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Michigan news: Bridge archive

Michigan wants to insulate 15,000 homes but needs hundreds of contractorsKelly House
As Trump sworn in, Michigan loyalists cheer in DC: ‘I have to pinch myself’Ron French
On MAGA bus from Michigan, redemption, celebration for Trump inaugurationRon French
Opinion | Treat homelessness as a sign of love deprivation, not a crimeAsha Shajahan
Snow days, cold days: How Michigan schools decide it’s time to cancel classesIsabel Lohman
Opinion | A legislative agenda for improved Michigan public educationMichael Rice
Bridge Michigan News Quiz: Jan. 17, 2025: We (still) love the Lions! And trivia!Joel Kurth
Report warns fatal deer disease could jump to humans. Unlikely, Michigan saysJanelle D. James
What furor over drab Gaylord land says about Michigan’s energy transitionKelly House
Detroit lures kids to school with $200 gift cards. Perfect attendance is upLori Higgins, Chalkbeat Detroit
Republicans launch Michigan 'election integrity' panelHayley Harding, Votebeat
Planet parade 2025 and other celestial delights to keep your eyes on the skyJanelle D. James
Are Michigan population woes improving? Moving data offers signs of hopeMike Wilkinson
‘Michigan's economy is on the line,’ Gretchen Whitmer warns at Detroit Auto ShowLauren Gibbons
AWWHELL no: See which license plates are 2DAMFUN for MichiganJanelle D. James
Michigan restaurants warn of price hikes over wage, sick day lawsJordyn Hermani
Who funds Michigan lawmakers? Most get cash from PACs, not voters they representSimon D. Schuster
More teachers work outside areas of expertise in high-poverty Mich. districtsIsabel Lohman
Michigan looks to future with R&D tax credits, startup ‘innovation fund’Lauren Gibbons
Michigan tax revenue up, but economic unknowns loomLauren Gibbons
Michigan’s blue and black retro license plates to return next monthJanelle D. James
Climate change, erratic weather taking toll on Michigan cherry industryAyurella Horn-Muller, Grist, Izzy Ross, IPR
PowerSchool breach worries parents, has Michigan districts eying next stepsIsabel Lohman
Bridge Michigan News Quiz: Jan. 11, 2025: Hot, hot, hot triviaJoel Kurth
Michigan Democrats’ pension, retirement bills in limbo amid GOP ‘legal review’Simon D. Schuster
As bitter cold grips Michigan, winter festivals eye cautious return in 2025Janelle D. James
Michigan House GOP leader on FOIA reform: 'Don't get your hopes up'Jordyn Hermani
Signs of progress for Michigan students in math — but not reading — since COVIDHannah Dellinger, Chalkbeat Detroit
Study: Climate change means fewer freezing winter days in MichiganKelly House
Opinion | Is this much smoke — without a fire — a smokescreen? Marvin Roberson
See what Michigan laws take effect this year: Paid sick days, wage hikes, moreLauren Gibbons
Not working, not in school: A push to reach Michigan's 'disconnected' youthMila Koumpilova, Chalkbeat Detroit
Transparency time? Michigan House plans oversight, Senate pushes public recordsJordyn Hermani, Lauren Gibbons
Gaylord solar lease plan sparks broad battle over green energy in MichiganKelly House
1 in 4 older Michiganders lack enough friends. That’s a health concernRobin Erb
Early voting was a hit in Michigan. Here's who used the new in-person optionHayley Harding, Votebeat
Report: Michigan trashes $500M+ worth of materials in landfills each yearJanelle D. James
Michigan’s new Legislature: Older, whiter and more male than stateLauren Gibbons
Sick with norovirus? Do all of Michigan a favor: Stay homeRobin Erb
Amid outcry, solar farm owner says it no longer wants Michigan forest to expandKelly House
Michigan wants to become a hub for hydrogen production, fueling stationsElinor Epperson, Michigan Public
100 promises Donald Trump made to Michigan Mike Wilkinson
Fact check: Trump promised a ‘Michigan miracle.’ Now comes the hard partMike Wilkinson
Bridge Michigan News Quiz: Jan. 4, 2025. New year, more great triviaJoel Kurth
Billionaires, dark money dominate record-setting Michigan election spendingSimon D. Schuster
Q&A: ‘Grand Rapids is going to be the benchmark’ for Michigan growthPaula Gardner
Michigan 'lifelong education' department turns 1, touting growth in free pre-K, collegeIsabel Lohman
MSU is studying lamprey sex. Can birth control save Great Lakes from invaders?Kelly House, Aaron Martin
Police use of license plate readers raising privacy concerns in Michigan Victor Wooddell, Capital News Service
Michigan high schools embrace artificial turf, but safety concerns persistDonté Smith, Capital News Service