Fentanyl came to a tiny UP town. Then the funerals began March 3, 2025 | Ron French in Michigan Health Watch
Guest column: If Michigan prison costs are high, it's for good reason June 14, 2012 | Bridge Staff in Guest Commentary
Should the Legislature enact changes to abortion law? June 21, 2012 | Bridge Staff in Guest Commentary
Michigan's prescription for foster kids: drugs June 21, 2012 | Natasha Robinson in Children & Families
Opinion | Why computers alone can’t fix Michigan gerrymandering September 12, 2018 | Eric Lupher in Guest Commentary
Opinion | Reports of Obamacare’s demise are greatly exaggerated, especially in Michigan September 11, 2018 | Marianne Udow-Phillips, Megan Foster Friedman, Maggi Randolph in Guest Commentary
Analysis: Northern Michigan rules the House for 2013 August 14, 2012 | Peter Luke in Peter Luke: Eye on the Capitol
Guest column: Leave consolidation decisions to locals August 16, 2012 | Bridge Staff in Guest Commentary
Guest column: A guide to the Michigan world of rail August 30, 2012 | Bridge Staff in Guest Commentary
Real estate is hot in Detroit. But its top owner, the city, isn’t selling. August 21, 2018 | Sarah Alvarez, Leah Samuel in Urban Affairs
Maps show easy paths to victory for Whitmer, Schuette in Michigan governor race August 8, 2018 | Mike Wilkinson in Michigan Government
Grand Rapids preschool effort strained by budget trends October 2, 2012 | Ron French in Talent & Education
He told Flint to ‘relax.’ Now, Michigan is paying him to lead media training. July 11, 2018 | Jim Malewitz, Craig Mauger in Michigan Environment Watch
In echo of Flint, some Chicagoans wary of lead water pipe replacement July 22, 2021 | Laura Gersony, Circle of Blue in Michigan Environment Watch