Bridge Michigan reporter Kelly House moderated a Zoom discussion with two experts about a federal program that cleans up toxic sites in the Great Lakes basin.
Hamtramck and Detroit are surrounded by corporate polluters that emit pollutants in our neighborhoods and have suffered from harsh rains last summer. Our climate resilience plans must prioritize those residents most at risk.
State officials say they’ve seen success using liquified salt on roadways, and could expand the practice to highways across Michigan. That would be good news for waterways plagued by salt pollution.
The results, published this week in the journal Nature, showed that mercury levels in plankton and fish fell more quickly than expected once new sources of mercury were cut off.
On Jan. 12, Bridge Michigan environment reporter Kelly House will moderate a Zoom discussion about the federal program tasked with cleaning toxic sites throughout the Great Lakes basin.
Cleaning sites like the Detroit River and Saginaw Bay is a priority for spending new funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Advocates say the money is a good start but much more is needed.
The Natural Resources Commission will open the Saginaw River to walleye fishing during spawning season, beginning in 2023. The state hopes expanded walleye fishing will lift populations of yellow perch in Saginaw Bay.
Growing public concern over the prized game fish’s declining population prompted the Natural Resources Commission to lower the daily bag limit from three to one during spawning season.
Population declines in the prized game fish are forcing the Natural Resources Commission to confront a stark policy choice: lowering bag limits or pursuing other options, such as changes in stocking strategies.
The once-in-a-generation legislation promises to bring more than $10 billion in public works aid to Michigan, a state in dire need of upgrades to roads, dams and bridges, drinking water systems and other protections against climate change.
Canada’s plan to store spent nuclear fuel 1,600 feet below ground in the Great Lakes basin, some 30 miles from Lake Huron, is continuing to ruffle feathers throughout the Great Lake states.
Above-average temps are becoming the norm in October. Climate change means warmer waters that threaten salmon and trout, a possible rise in tick-borne illnesses and delays in bird migration.
Unlike Michigan, the buckeye state regulates septic systems and provides money to fix the ones leaking sewage into waterways. Could such a program in Michigan address the pollution that fouls our lakes and streams?
The debate pits education advocates who want independent control of their school-year calendars against tourism leaders who want to ensure families can book vacations through Labor Day.
As Michigan state parks experience a visitor resurgence and the federal government funnels gobs of pandemic relief dollars to the state, parks officials want lawmakers to send some of the windfall their way — lawmakers say they’re listening.
A new policy giving state beach managers power to ticket people who enter the water despite warnings during rough waves, bacteria outbreaks or other dangerous conditions. It is set to take effect in May.
Once thought too cold for cyanobacteria to grow, Lake Superior in recent years has joined the other Great Lakes as a breeding ground for potentially-toxic algae as a changing climate warms its waters.
The massive storms that ripped through southeast Michigan this summer are likely the state’s new normal, but our aging infrastructure was designed for the climate of the past.