The founder of a company that uses drones to recover deer carcasses that hunters cannot find says that Michigan’s prohibition of the practice violates his First Amendment rights. The suit questions one of the core principles of hunting and fishing in the United States, some experts say.
How far can Michigan go in its quest to limit farm pollution in Michigan’s lakes and rivers? That’s the subject of a case now before the state’s highest court.
Community health workers focus on people who, due to low incomes or other inequities, tend to have poorer health outcomes. The state is now expanding Medicaid to cover more of this work.
Opponents of the new law, which stripped away local permitting control over large wind and solar projects, are pushing a ballot initiative that would ask voters in November to overturn the law.
At least 17 states have issued PFAS-related fish consumption advisories, KFF Health News found. But with no federal guidance, what is considered safe to eat varies significantly among states, most of which provide no regulation.
Amid a push toward renewable energy in Michigan, taxpayers are subsidizing technology to turn animal feces into fuel. Opponents say it further subsidizes the growth of an industry responsible for widespread water pollution problems.
Declining hunting participation isn’t the only reason deer populations are skyrocketing. Blame suburban sprawl, a lack of hunting land in southern Michigan, a century-worth of predator suppression and the newer threat of climate change.
Ahead of a gathering to assess the health of Lake Erie, the state acknowledges it won’t meet a 2025 deadline to cut phosphorus runoff into Lake Erie by 40 percent. The goal is to protect Lake Erie and Michigan’s small farms.
Once a largely city and suburban issue, school choice is now a statewide and rural phenomenon. That’s good news for many parents, but it’s causing financial problems and headaches for school officials.
The industry grew faster than the state’s overall economy, as it continued benefitting from a pandemic-era resurgence in camping, hiking, boating and the like. But there are challenges, and some argue the state must do more to bolster the industry.
‘You just can't come in and take our weapons away without giving us a fighting chance to stand up for ourselves,’ Holton Township Supervisor Alan Jager says.
Southern Michigan is being overrun by deer, and a series of steps to reduce herds have not helped. So state game managers are urging hunters this fall to forgo big bucks for does to lower birth rates. Not every hunter is on board.