Finlandia University’s last graduating class walked across a stage and accepted their degrees Sunday. Founded in 1896, Finlandia is among scores of colleges that have closed or merged amid declining enrollment as fewer families consider college worth the cost.
Nante Niemi of Wisconsin, missing since Saturday, was found on Monday hiding near a log two miles from his family’s campsite, Michigan State Police reported. He appeared to be in good health and was reunited with family.
Great Lakes whitefish are in decline, in part because dams block their passage to rivers where they once spawned. Tribal scientists are looking to save a fish of economic and cultural importance.
Warmer weather ushers in the start of tick season. Not all ticks carry disease but some can transmit bacteria that causes Lyme disease or triggers Alpha-gal Syndrome (AGS), which can lead to a red meat allergy.
Michigan Tech is launching a nursing program this fall, filling a void caused by Finlandia University’s recent decision to close. And Lake Superior State is expanding its program to train nurses to work in rural areas.
Among the species that newly receive threatened status are the Eastern whip-poor-will, evening grosbeak, golden-winged warbler, Northern goshawk, spruce grouse and upland sandpiper.
Many Michiganders likely were frustrated by the sudden return to frigid temperatures last week and the nearly 50-degree temperature shift could be a problem for some of this year’s fruit crop. But farmers say they are generally thankful for cooler temps.
The northern lights put on a show in Michigan and across much of the mainland U.S. late Sunday and early Monday, with rare reports of sitings as far south as North Caroline and even Arkansas. Here’s how to spot them in Michigan.
Author Phyllis Michael Wong joined Bridge Michigan for a discussion of her historical account of the work of the ‘Gossard Girls,’ employees at undergarment factories in MIchigan’s Upper Peninsula.
State officials wondered whether moving opening day from a fixed calendar date to the weekend would bring more interest to a waning sport. Turns out, Michiganders are deeply attached to the Nov. 15 tradition.
April is one of the best months to see the northern lights in Michigan. It takes a bit of luck, a bit of weather tracking and a willingness to travel north a bit (okay, maybe a lot) to see an unforgettable light show.
More than six weeks after the first cases of a rare fungal infection were identified, officials say they are still trying to figure out where the spores came from. This comes as the company is considering a $1.2 billion expansion.
As evidence mounts about the health risks from the so-called ‘forever chemicals’, state regulators are considering whether PFAS 'do not fish' advisories are strong enough to protect Michiganders. If the answer is no, more rivers may be flagged for contaminated fish.
Dr. Rodney Hanley has been university president since 2018. In announcing his resignation, he said he was living to pursue another, unspecified opportunity. The university said it will conduct a national search to replace him.
Pipeline opponents say there could be a spill, yet they oppose a plan to develop a less risky alternative by building a tunnel. Closing the region’s most important energy provider would harm both the U.S. and Canada.
Michigan residents can buy or renew a one-year fishing license in Michigan beginning Friday, March 31. Hunting and fishing activity has mostly declined in recent years.
Millions of hibernating bats have died from white-nose syndrome, a disease caused by fungus. Here’s how you can help scientists buy time to find a cure.
A tunnel to encase the Line 5 oil and gas pipeline below the Straits of Mackinac was originally supposed to be built by 2024. Instead, construction won’t begin until 2026 due to federal regulators’ delays, if it begins at all.
Joe Biden is making his first presidential visit to Canada this week. He can be silent no longer as Canada supports the efforts of Enbridge Energy to keep its aging oil and gas pipeline flowing through the Straits of Mackinac.